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Surfboard Riding Safety

  1. Safety Gear Essentials:
    Always wear an approved helmet and PFD (Personal Flotation Device), complying with local regulations.
  2. Maintain Safe Distances:
    Keep a considerable distance from other water users, following vessel operating rules in your area. Stay vigilant for obstacles and swimmers.
  3. Quick Throttle Release:
    Immediately release the throttle upon falling to halt the propeller, reducing the risk of severe crashes. Practice this skill to stop the propeller before hitting the water.
  4. Additional Safety Points:
    Prioritize safe water depths (minimum 1.5 meters) and monitor battery usage. Never ride beyond your swimming capabilities or deplete the battery too far from your starting point.
  5. Crucial Reminder:
    During testing on land and in the water, ensure all body parts are clear of the propeller, emphasizing extreme caution.

Important Safety Reminders:

  1. Falling on the hydrofoil can be extremely dangerous.
  2. Always wear an approved PFD and helmet when Fliteboarding.
  3. Check water depth before riding (minimum 1.5 meters).
  4. Monitor battery usage and avoid depletion.
  5. Never ride further from shore than you’re prepared to swim back.
  6. Exercise extreme caution around the propeller during testing.

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